ZombsRoyale.io Tournament Codes
Tournaments are sometimes held in the Zombsroyale.io survival io game. You can use the Zombsroyale.io tournament codes in these tournaments.
There are several battle royale video games that you can play with your friends, family members, or even alone. You can have extra fun with the codes you can use in Zombsroyale.io tournaments. But getting hold of the Zombsroyale.io tournament codes and PC strategies can help you to become a skilled player.
ZombsRoyale.io Tournament Codes
You can participate in the tournaments organized from time to time in Zombsroyale.io for free. In addition, you can get extra stuff using the Zombsroyale.io tournament codes. These codes can usually be changed before each tournament.
- zccasiasolo
- zccasiaduo
- boxysolo1
- boxysolo2
- boxysolo3
- boxysolo4
- boxy1
- boxy2
- boxy3
- boxy4
Advanced PC strategies to know
- Pick up whatever you can get at the most. Several types of ammo are offered in the Zombsroyale.io free 2022 game. It will be better to select different ammo for different guns. At the early stage of the game, try to be safe. You can use Hybrid Potions to save yourself. However, consume big & small potions immediately.
- To combat with your opponents, use medium-range guns mostly and know the Zombsroyale.io tournament codes for special games. Medium range strafe can help confuse your enemies and also enjoy provided cover. Pick up ‘Mythics’ like Suppressed Ar-15, Assault Scar, and Scoped M4 as they are undoubtedly the very best.
- Arrange your weapons as it allows faster and easier switching as well as helps avoid unwanted mishaps. Sort by range, short to far, or vice-versa. The arrangement will suit your better if you scroll downwards or upwards to your AR from the Sniper, if the enemy is at a close distance.
Other Advanced Strategies to Know
- Carry two miscellaneous items like Hybrid Potions & Stack of Bandages and just three weapons like Shotgun or SMG, AR, and Sniper with you. Miscellaneous slot or Sniper can be replaced with RPG to deal with the hectic race experienced for Airdrop. All types of grenades can provide you with tactical superiority and help win the game. Even AR can be replaced with SMG/Sniper/Healing Set/Grenade, if you are a skilled player.
- When inside houses, you should switch on to the Shotgun as it is an excellent choice for close-range combats. You can also kill knocked-down players. For greater damage, go near them and simply shoot. Using Pump Shotguns, you can fire several bullets at a time. Assault Shotguns offer far range and tight spread and is also useful outdoors, while Tactical Shotguns offer a better range than the density of bullets.
- V-Tod (Vaulted Tridents of Deaths) are considered to be reverse impulse grenades and are highly effective. They should be used as and when the need arises.
- Allow fighting to happen for you while you move in slowly. Attack the enemy, if you see them, and do not hesitate in doing so. Upgrade your guns often until the final phase.
Using Zombsroyale.io tournament codes, you can make your game all the more exciting and interesting.